The First Family follows newly-elected President, Shaul Agmon, and his wife and children as they move into their new residence in Jerusalem for his first year in office. The family’s shift into the public eye radically alters their lifestyles and brings about many changes the new President and his family are forced to confront.
Unlike the President himself, the administration was forced upon the rest of the family members, who are now under constant observation by the public eye. The family enters a prison cell of sorts (surrounded by security guards, surveillance cameras and electronic gates), as the Agmon family deals with the inner workings and conflicts of life in the White House. Each member of the family continues to tread a fine line as they balance between inappropriate and controversial behavior for a family of their standing while searching for their own way to cope with this new world they have stumbled into.
Will the disintegration of the President’s family while under public scrutiny destroy his image and chances of political success? And, for the sake of his and the country’s future, how far will he go to hide what goes on behind closed doors?